O2H3 #2178

O2H3 #2178

Threesome in the Doggie Park
Date Saturday, July 29 2023
Hare(s) Blee Blah Blue Blah, Madame Blovary, and Blalala
Meet 03:00 PM
Kitcar Away 00:00 PM
Hare Away 03:30 PM
Shiggy Meter 0.69
Trail Info Turkey/ Eagle SplitBeer/Shot Stop

Location Name 1224 E Anderson St Parking
Address1224 E Anderson St, Orlando, FL 32801
Google Map Link

Hare Notes
Cum out running with a threesome of half-minds this weekend as we see if three dogs fucking can still lay a trail. Shiggy meter is for Turkey trail Eagle will be higher depending on the weather.

O2H3 #2167

Hash Cash: $7
O2H3 #: 2167
Title: Mother’s Day “MILF” Trail
date May 13 2023
Hare(s): Popo, LBLBLBL, Gag Me
Meet: 02:30 PM
Kitcar Away: 03:00 PM
Hare Away: 03:15 PM
Shiggy Meter: 3.69
Trail Info: Beer/Shot Stop
Location Name: Goodwill Waterford Lakes parking lot, far corner by Western Union
Address: 12170 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando, FL 32825
Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/woLkUKaJZ6rEnJJQ9
Hare Notes: Cum on out and celebrate with us as we honor all our favorite MILF’s this Mother’s Day weekend!MILF – Moms I’ll Love Forever…that’s what it means, right?