Haring Guidelines

Hashing has no rules, but the hare sure has some guidelines to know!!

Remember O2H3 is “All live all the time” – it’s our claim to fame. This means all official trails for this hash are live trails. 

Virgin Hares – first time hares are expected to hare with an experienced O2H3 hare the first time. This includes transplants to Orlando. The Experienced hare is to stay with the virgin hare during the entire trail. This is a learning experience for the virgin. At the Blessing of the Hares, the virgin hare may invoke the “no ranging rule”, which indicates to the pack that they are to actually follow trail.

Setting the Date – check the Hareline on O2H3.net for an available date. Notify the Hareraiser. Plan your trail.

Hash Start – Make sure there’s sufficient, safe parking (without tickets, towing, etc.) for the number of hashers expected (10-15 cars, more for special events). Steer clear of locations with security guards that will chase us off, i.e. schools, malls & Home Depot. Start time and location is entirely up to the hare, but don’t change it once published unless absolutely necessary. Some people will miss the change. [Note: Summer hashes should start later so hashers are not running during the hottest part of the day. Winter hashes should start earlier so hashers can complete the trail before dark – except in the case of full moon trails.]

Hare Submission Form – complete the form on O2H3.net (found under Calendar section) with all details of location, date, times, etc. at least 4 days in advance of your trail, Provide the street address, google map link, and any special instructions that might help (i.e. park in the back, NW corner of the park, etc.) If you have a pub stop on trail, include special instructions to bring ID and money for it . If you are laying a trail that is dog friendly let us know. if it is not indicated it will be assumed it is not. The On-Sec will automatically receive a copy of the form and create a Facebook event. Any updates after that point can be made by notifying the Hareraiser and/or On-Sec.

Kit-Kar – It is the Beermeister’s responsibility to bring the beer to the start, not to the end. Hares are responsible to provide a kit-kar large enough to transport the bags, beer and snacks to the end and keep it “safe” once it gets there. ARRANGE THIS AHEAD OF TIME. You’ll need around 30-40 min. For example, meet at 3:00, kit-kar away at 3:30, hare away at 4:00.

Beer/Water stops – If you plan on having a beer/water/shot stop along the trail, connect with the beermeister to obtain beer and water ahead of the hash, or you can provide it yourself and get up to $20 reimbursed when you provide a copy of the receipt to Hash Cash. If it’s hot outside, trail must have a water stop (so, 9 months a year).   Always provide water at beer stops.  Do not add more than 2 beer stops or the trail will take too long.

The Trail  – Trails should be a minimum of 3 miles in length. Could be longer, depending on terrain and weather conditions. Scout your trails beforehand. Trails should not go through private property without the owner’s permission. Run the entire trail and time it to make sure it’s long/short enough. If the hash is at night, run it in the dark to avoid losing your way while haring live. Remember: the point is for everybody to finish and have fun. A regroup at a beer check, check, count back, overlook, etc. are great ways to allow the slower hashers to catch up and slow the FRBs down. A turkey/eagle split is a nice touch for longer trails. Stash flour and other marking supplies on trail to avoid carrying a heavy bag – and don’t skimp on flour! Keep in mind some things are harder to see at night, like blue flour or chalk.  We strongly encourage you to color your flour.  .A trail should be fairly easy to follow. Mark your corners and turns or it is assumed that the trail goes straight.

Shiggy Meter:

*between 0.69 – 10.69

0 = no shiggy
1-3 = mostly urban, some off-road elements, very little water
4-6 = mostly off-road, some water, light brush
7-10 = no urban, definite wet mud, heavy brush

Trail Markings –Trail markings should be flour, chalk, toilet paper (preferably unused) or any suitable biodegradable material .. Hash marks should be placed approximately 30 yards (25 paces) apart, closer at night (20 yards). If rain is a possibility, add colorful cereal to your flour and slap your plops on vertical surfaces (trees instead of ground).  Flour is easily colored using chalkline chalk or tempra paint. The hash does not reimburse you for flour or chalk.

  • Plop – (A plop of flour, Arrow drawn with a strait line and two barbs connected at the end, a piece of Toilet paper, or any item you inform the pack you will be using before hand.) This will be how the Hare marks trail showing the pack which way to go to find the beer.
  • True Trail – (An arrow with three barbs in the middle) This indicates that the way the arrow is the True Trail and the Pack is ON-ON.
  • Safety Crossing – (An Arrow with a S drawn through the middle) This indicates that the pack needs to be very careful, this can tell the pack there is an active road to cross. If there is any chance that the Pack could be hurt, going forward lay this mark.
  • Check (Circle with a plop of flower in the middle) This mark indicates that the trail can go any way from there 369 Hash Degrees! Designed to bring the pack together trail should have enough checks to make it a challenge, but not so many as to make it a chore. The true trail from the check will be 3 Hare marks or a true trail arrow generally within 100 yards of the check as the crow flies. A check will NOT lead to another check before 3 marks are laid.
  • Which-Way (Arrows pointing 2-3 possible ways) This mark indicates trail could go one of the ways indicated by the arrow. The true trail from the Which-Way will be 3 Hare marks or a true trail arrow generally be within 100 yards of the Mark.
  • YBF – You’ve Been F+cked (Either the letters YBF, or three lines laid horizontal together on trail) This mark sends the pack back the way they came to the last check or which-way.
  • Count Back # (The letters CB with a number next to them) This will tell the pack they are not going the correct way and they have to go back that number of plops. Once they get back to the plop indicated by the number. That plop now becomes a Check.
  • AARP – (The Letters AARP) AARP is usually put near a bench or chair for older hashers to rest.
  • Turkey / Eagle Split – (Two arrows drawn one with a T, and one with a E) Used to indicate there is 2 possible ways to follow trail. Turkey trail is an easier option. Eagle is more challenging.
  • J hook – ( A J with a number next to it, and possibly alcohol) This indicates the first hound will have to turn around and run back the number of hashers written. If no numbers are written the hound will run all the way back to the DFL. If you place this mark with alcohol, they will take it back to share.
  • Shot Stop – (The letters SS) This lets the pack know that there is  shots near by for them to stop and enjoy.
  • Beer Stop – (The Letters BS) The best mark for the Pack we love beer this tells us that there is beer nearby to lift our spirits.
  • Beer Near – (The Letters BN) laid at end of trail. No additional marks other than plops or arrows taking you to end from BN. (No checks, no which -ways etc,)
  • Special Marks – (You decide) This is your trail have fun be creative but remember the point is to have everyone safely finish. Brief the Pack before you start of any new and unusual marks you may use on trail.
  • ON-IN – (ON-IN) Hashers love the Onion! this tells us trail is over and we get to enjoy beer and sing songs in circle.

Hash End – The end (ON-IN) needs to be in an area where the pack can congregate without interference. Pick an area with shrubs and/or trees for when nature calls. Shade is always appreciated in Florida – especially in the summer! If the end is not within walking distance (1/2 mile) from the start, the hares need to provide transportation back to the start to pick up a couple of large vehicles to shuttle people and gear back.

Lost Hashers – The hares are responsible for finding any hashers not back within reasonable time. So lay a well-marked trail!! The search party starts with the hares.